Wheee! I finally hit level seventy on World of Warcraft! Since that's the highest level you can get.. And I'm a wow-nerd.
In MMOROG terms though.. 70 is as close as you can get to beating the game.
For the moment anyway.. Soon the new expansion will be out, at which point the level cap is raising to 80.
Check it out
here.On another note, I'm actually somewhat happy with my pottery project in my Art Class. It's the first pottery thing I've ever made, ever, that has the potential to be decent.
It'd be my luck that it explodes in the kiln.
Hopefully not. But eh, stuff happens.
It looks cool though, because it's like, a half sphere. The round side is going to look like the Earth; specifically North America, while the side that is flat is painted as an old and broken bullseye, with a peace sign in the middle.
It's very metaphorical, as my teacher describer it, "It's a deep and meaningful statement on modern society."
What it's supposed to mean, is that we aren't aiming for peace, as signified by the fact that the bullseye looks cracked and old.
North America is on the back, since we're the ones fighting.
And hmph, has anyone noticed that Dora the Explorer is incredibly bossy? I mean, gosh! All she does is order those poor kids around. I swear she's sexist too, ever tried to find Dora toys for little boys? You can't. They don't seem to make them.
I had some more stuff to say, but I can't remember what. So I'm gonna go and do the math homework I should have started hours ago.