Friday, April 18, 2008

The Round Robin Photo Challenge: Variety

The Round Robin Photo Challenge!

Saturday, not only the best day of the week, because well, it's Saturday, but I get to post my Round Robin pics too! Yay!
Variety.. I had trouble thinking of something for that one, until, in a flash of inspiration.. I remembered the Tree People.

Yes. The Tree People, invented by myself, when playing with modeling clay around 5 or 6. But these Tree People, they are not all they appear! In order to stand upright, the majority of them have skeletons, made of toothpicks. Complete with joints, allowing a nice range of movement.

These Tree People came in all heights, colors, and swirls, so I thought: Hey! Variety!

And here... here are the Tree People, in all their modeling clay glory.

Honestly, I have no idea why they look like Tree People to me. They just.. do. They always have, and still do.

And.. a close up on one of them!

And there you have it, The Tree People, variety.


charish said...

Cool pictures.

TJ said...

Now that is creative! Very neat color combos.
Good idea...Great capture.

Robinella said...

Those are fun and colorful. I think I see tree people too. :-)

{Ãñgê£}ä said...

How fun! It's amazing how creative people can be, even at such a young age.
Great variety photo!

Gattina said...

Very pretty and very special !

Sandcastle Momma said...

I have always been fascinated by your tree people and I love that you used them for this challenge. You have an incredible imagination!

Carly said...

How creative! I have imaginary creatures as well, I call mine the "Ooodles." I invented them in my warped brain years ago. LOL. Your tree people are so colorful, do you have a favorite color combination?

Always, Carly

Unknown said...

I love your tree people. They might be the next pet rock!! (better get them patented) Great collection and fun post. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

MariesImages said...

Well, they are very colorful & unique! Definitely a fun project!

Teena in Toronto said...

What fun!

Mine's up too :)

Nancy said...

Lol...they are kinda cute AND colorful too!


Kiva said...

OMG, I adore those. Such creativity, such good photos. You rock!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Wow, those are pretty cool! And colorful, which is always a big plus. The creatures I invented as a kid (not until fifth grade, alas), the kinkolas, weren't much in the the color department being made of folded paper. Thanks for showing us your tree people!

Suzanne R said...

I think your Tree People are very fascinating and fun to look at! How creative of you! The colors are beautiful. What a neat entry!

Martha said...

Cool! I want to make some tree people! I Love them! :-)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Tree people are cool. I need to find a way to make them to put in our garden.

Monica said...

Fun, colorful and creative!

Sorry I didn't get by sooner, I was away on vacation with limited computer time.
