Saturday, February 23, 2008

and it's finally here... the round robin photochallenge! w00t!

Yepp, Round Robin Photo Challenge! Since the theme was shoes... I decided to do my shoes.

In all of their written upon, beaded, uniquely laced glory. And all of it describes me, somehow. Though some of it is a bit abstract, even in my opinion, which.. says something.

My wondrous Converse, take 1. :D


Celeste said...

Those are shoes that make a statement. I think the first B&W photo is the best!

Unknown said...

Very cool shoes, and very good shots of them. Me, too.... I like the 1st BW shot the best, though it was good to see the colorized version. Thanks for sharing!
Nekked Lizards

TJ said...

How cool is this? Love the shoes and the captures are really great.

Hi am TJ, came to visit and I did wipe my shoes off at the door...{{{laughing }}}

Sandcastle Momma said...

Your pictures turned out great! Love your idea and the photography is awesome. Good job.

Carly said...

Hi Sahvvy :)

Welcome to the Round Robin Challenges! :) What can I say? You are off to a fabulous start, and I am already looking forward to your future entries. I love that you did one in black and white mode. :) Very fun and artsy entry. Once again, WELCOME!

Always, Carly

Sandy said...

Great artwork - the photos and the shoes!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

I'm just blown away by your terrific solo debut here. The black and white shot is especially awesome, but they're all great. I wish I could examine those shoes in person, reading every word and demanding explanations, which of course would ruin the intriguing nature of those highly decorated shoes. Very cool. Welcome to the Robins! You may also want to try the Monday Photo Shoot. Details on my blog.


MyMaracas said...

Hi there,

I followed the link in from Sandcastle Momma. These photos are really very good. I think you have a great eye for this, and I hope you'll be joining us often!


Suzanne R said...

I want to read every word and symbol on those shoes! LOL! That's a very interesting way to express yourself. And the photography did a great job of capturing these very-personalized shoes and what was said on them, within the field of your lens' vision.

Kiva said...

Rad shoes! Excellent B&W. Looking forward to seeing more.

Sandra said...

WOW! These shoes have a life of their own! I wonder what they do when youare not wearing them... LOL. Thanks for a great entry!

Janet said...

WICKED cool shoes!

Martha said...

Ultra cool! My favorite!
Martha ~